Monday, 17 September 2018

Two In One Out

With the two new beams bolted firmly in place, and using two heavy duty cargo straps to hold Shamrock's sides in place, the forward cargo hold coaming and the main beam beneath it have been removed. The two cargo straps, one forward and one aft of the main beam, are fitted across Shamrock and secured around a frame and the beamshelf at both ends. A large plank of oak from a tree with a natural curve has been sourced and the new main beam has been cut from it. There is enough oak left over to cut out a second beam that is earmarked for the next beam forward of the main beam.

New forward beam fitted.
Removing the main beam.
Aft securing strap.
Well secured.
Marking out the main beam.

Monday, 10 September 2018

New Beams

The shaping, steaming and temporary clamping into place of the last section of starboard beamshelf has enabled the cutting and temporary fitting of Shamrock's aftermost deck beam. To get the correct deck camber a plywood template has been produced taking the curve from her cargo hatch after beam. Two partner beams have also been cut with tenons at one end that are to be mortised into the new beam while the other ends are to be bolted to the new deadwood adding extra rigidity to Shamrock's stern. Sections for her after deck shelf have been temporarily fitted to the transom and one of the forward beams that needs replacing has been cut and shaped ready for fitting. These new sections will need to be removed and given a protective coating before they are finally bolted in place.

Last section of beamshelf
Josh beam shaping.
New aft beam in position.
Partner beams.
Deck shelf.
New forward beam.